APR & Utilization

Interest Rate Curve

APR figures are determined by utilization, at a higher utilization APR starts to increase to discourage borrowers and incentives lenders.

Take note that at 100% utilization, you cannot withdraw your tokens, but also enjoy very high APR figures.

The following assets use the curve below: USDC, USDT, SOL, SRM, MER, MEDIA, TULIP, SLRS, ALEPH, ROPE, COPE, SNY, Sollet ETH, ATLAS, POLIS

The following assets use the curve below: ORCA, whETH, mSOL, BTC, GENE, DFL, SAMO, REAL

We have implemented a more competitive curve for RAY lending found below, this is to ensure rates remain competitive enough due to RAY single staking APR.

Historical Lending Rates

You can find our dashboard here: https://grafana.tulip.garden/d/NfmOZZjnk/historical-interest-rates?orgId=1

Last updated